Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Our little addition!!

This was Lexie the day we left her with Becky heading to our C-section. That was her last day as an only child.

Waiting to enter the operating room.

And here is our little bundle of joy!! Madilynn Grace Laufer entered the world at 2:22p on Wednesday 5/11/11.

The next morning, after being really sick all night. I finally got some food.

Visits from friends and loved ones.

She got Jaundice really bad and she had to be under the blue lights (her own tanning bed) for 2 days.
She had to wear blindfolds, these ones she kept pulling off so they gave her another pair.

Our new friends came to visit. It was awesome to meet them.

Madilynn is an amazing baby. She sleeps well, eats well, and hardly ever crys. She is just an all around good baby. We love her so much and Lexie is a great big sister, she has helped so much and always wants to hold her baby. For now, it's very cute. I hope she stays this helpful!


Hollye said...

SO SO adorable!!!! Thank you so much for posting ;0) We are excited for the time we get to meet her. Love to you all

Tenille Gates said...

She is BEAUTIFUL! ♥ Im so glad everything went smoothly and you have a sweet new member of your family :0) Congrats!

Becky said...

She is so beautiful and perfect!!!! Congratulations. I'm so glad I got to come and meet her! Love you.

Tiffany said...

She's an absolute doll! Congratulations!!

Jen said...

I can't wait to hold that sweet baby! She is so dang cute, I just can't get over how round she is! I love her!

Amber said...

I am so glad you had so many visitors!! I was a little worried you might be lonely down there... I can't wait to see her; she looks beautiful. -AND LOOK AT THAT HAIR!!

r.jones said...

Thanks for sharing such cute pictures. You guys are the cutest family! Your girls are so beautiful!

Unknown said...

Awww, what a loved and adored and sweet baby!! Any baby would have changed your life forever, but she is special and that comes pouring out of your pictures and stories. You guys are (higher pitched voice) Awesome!!

Nancy said...

Awww, what a loved and adored and sweet baby!! Any baby would have changed your life forever, but she is special and that comes pouring out of your pictures and stories. You guys are (higher pitched voice) Awesome!!

Lyla Our Little Miracle said...

OMG! I have tears in my eyes! She is Perfect in every way! Congratulations to you all! So happy Caty and Aidan came to visit you! Best wishes and lots of love being sent your way from Long Island, NY! Xoxo

Yiannakis Family said...

Such a sweet girl! I love, love, love all her dark hair. So nice to see soooo many pictures of friends and family holding her. You are very blessed!

Kim said...

I'm so excited for the new addition to our family! And I love seeing Caty and Aidan already as her new friends. This is going to be such an amazing journey for you and you sound so excited! She is a gorgeous baby. I just chuckled at the pictures of her with her blindfolds. fifteen years from now it will be sunglasses and a bathing suit! Congratulations and welcome!xoxo

Clint C. said...

Kerri, You and Alex are wonderful! Heavenly Father really knew what he was doing when he sent such a special girl to you. She is surrounded by love. She's adorable.

Jaime said...

What a beautiful little girl - I'm so glad that you have joined our "family"! I'm laughing at the look on Aidan's face in the picture - such a goofy ball! :-) Looking forward to the next time we see you.

Becky Nelson said...

Love, love, love her, even if she wont wake up for me :) She is a great addition to the family and Lexie is a great big sister for Maddie :) BTW, there is no picture of Taylor LOL:) i love you.

Unknown said...

Oh my goodness! Such wonderful pictures. So happy that we were able to meet up and see precious Maddilynn. Welcome again to our "family". Can't wait to see more of her and to meet Lexi.

Anonymous said...

She is so so beautiful! I'm so glad your c-section went well and hopefully you are healing okay. I hope I get to see her when I come out this summer! Loved all the pics! :) Congratulations!! xoxo

Unknown said...

Oh my goodness - she is gorgeous! That beautiful hair and sweet baby rolls! Congratulations to your family! Madilynn will bring you so much joy!

Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness! She is so adorable! What a precious angel! I love the picture of her on the pillow. She looks so content with being out of the womb and she is ready to kick it. I can't wait to meet her!

Tammy said...

Yay! Congrats. I'm so glad it all went so well. Love all the pics. What a cute family you are. :)

IJ y JD's Mami said...

Congratz... She is Beautiful.... Can't wait to meet her..
Love ya...

Aaron and Michelle said...

We love Madilynn so much and look forward to visiting again! Lexi is a sweetheart too and can seriously come and hangout with us anytime!

Marnette said...

She is such a cute girl! I love her hair and perfect skin color. What a cutie. Lexi looks very proud and will be a great sis, I'm sure. I'm glad that everything went well... I loved the blindfolds too. :) Great name choice too. Congrats!

Greene Family said...

Congratulations!! She is so beautiful!! Love her hair! The pictures of her and Lexie together are so sweet! You have a beautiful family!
She certainly is surrounded by so many loving family and friends! How wonderful that she already got to meet Aidan and Caty too!
What a great joy!!