I got this from Nance's blog and thought it was cute!
1. As a comment on my blog, leave one memory that you and I had together. It doesn't matter if you knew me a little or a lot, anything you remember!
2. Next, re-post these instructions on your blog and see how many people leave a memory about you. It's actually pretty funny to see the responses. If you leave a memory about me, I'll assume you're playing the game and I'll come to your blog and leave one about you.
If you don't want to play on your blog, or if you don't have a blog, I'll leave my memory of you in my comments. I would love for everyone to play along. Don't be shy leave whatever memory you would like.
6 months ago
I was so glad to have a cool MTC comp and a Californian to boot! I remember laughing a lot. And always feeling comfortable with you- you have a way of putting people at ease. And of course laughing at people always helps. I remember finding out Clinton was elected because one sister in our hall yelled it out into the hallway- she said "Clinton was elected I hope you're happy!" and then slammed her door. How'd she know? As if it was our fault. Weird... and then therea re the 3 tiny words...
"Do to do"- standing by the map...
Remember how we lived in Forest Ave. and after I had Ellie Bellie I would come into the office and we would chat and how you brought me yummy pizza after I had her...thanks for that by the way! Oh and remember Halloween last year when you were a prego Mrs. Addams (I can't remember her first name?) and Chris and I were "pot" heads! Fun times!
haha I totally forgot about that part of the bbq....I guess I try to block my irresponsibleness from my memory haha!! And then remember how we like kept your condiments for like a month after cuz I was too lazy to WALK over to your apartment to give it back!! Wow...sorry 'bout that!! haha fun times!
Getting sealed to our husbands together. Good Times, Good Times!
Luv Ya
My best memory of you was when we lived next door to each other and we saw you every day. You were so nice to Christian! He wanted to visit you every day! You were okay with him walking over anytime. You and Alex would drop everything to spend time with him. He loves you so much and so do we!
So I didn't even see this on your blog, sorry I am so late. Where to begin???? There are so many to chose from
1) I remember when you were playing soccer for P.V high school and Molly and I would go to every practice that you had and we would chase after the balls. I thought you were the coolest sister (you still are)
2)When you lived in Layton, Ut and you worked at Tony Romas and I flew in to visit and you took me to eat there. We had such a great time laughing and eating the bread.
3)When we both were working at the office and we would go home for lunch and eat and then sleep for the next two hours. Good TImes
there are so many more, but I don't want to take up the whole page. I love you!!!
I remember thinking you were SO SO beautiful and I wished I could be pretty like you. I remember loads of Thanksgivings spent at your house. I remember when I found out that you guys were having a hard time getting pregnant too. I remember hearing you were pregnant shortly after I got pregnant and being overwhelmingly happy for you.
Were do i begin.. the ice cream,being the oldest joining the LDS soro. , u passing the flowers and the getting lost on my wedding day in fresno must top them all .. when Alex drove us to the Fresno temple and we got lost you were so funny i remember we listened to Phantom of the Opera Cd .. everyone was calling us making sure we got there on time.. we were a little late and you said " they have to wait for the bride they can't start with out you.... THank you so much you.. It was awsome to have you at my side on the most important day of my life... LOve you so much and so happy for you and Alex.. GOD BLESS YOUR FAMILIA ALWAYS>>>
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