I got a sewing machine and I used it for my first project. I saw this on HDTV and thought it was a nice splash of color. Over my fridge I put curtains on the cupboard instead of the doors.
....and then added the same material to the opposite wall. I think it turned out ok!
PS....if anyone wants to teach me how to sew a pattern I'll teach you how to make your own blog page and header. ANYONE??!?!???!?
Good job Kerri, those look nice! You can definitely use a pattern, just stay away from the Big 3 (McCalls, Butterick, Simplicity) they can be frustrating on the sizes. Try Kwik Sew and you will love it! (I have some super cute Ottobre patterns you can copy as well next time I am in town)
I'll show you! If you can do that, you can definately sew a pattern.
Good job Kerri...that's super cute!! I just got a sewing machine too...I needed some good ideas thanks!!
I'll teach you to sew a pattern if you teach me how to make bows.
I love it. Dee can teach us to sew, but I will need to find out when. I want to learn too.
Good job Kerri, those look nice! You can definitely use a pattern, just stay away from the Big 3 (McCalls, Butterick, Simplicity) they can be frustrating on the sizes. Try Kwik Sew and you will love it! (I have some super cute Ottobre patterns you can copy as well next time I am in town)
Very cute! I LOVE my sewing machine. You will find all kinds of things to do with it.
Very pretty, Kerri ;0)
Hmm...if I had a clue, I'd love to teach you and learn the whole blog secret. But, alas, I have no sewing skills.
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