The funny thing about this tortoise is of course he walks really slow. He was 1/2 down the road when we got there. at the end of the road there is a fence that you go into to see the animals...after 1/2 hour we went back out that gate and he was about 1 foot away from the gate that was opened. Apparently he loves to go through gates and he was racing as fast as he could to get through the gate before we got back. I could almost hear him say "OH COME ON" when we closed the gate right in front of him. The humor doesn't really translate to text.....but I was laughing!!
Her favorite was the cat, imagine that!!! See her right arm....that's how she says "come on" ....she wanted the cat to join us!
This goat kept eating Bellas shirt.
Mr. GQ......always ready for a photo opp!!!
They had fun feeding, petting and talking to the animals. It was a fun experience and we'll probably do it again next year.
so cute! that's where we took maile for her birthday in april, i still need to post my pics. :) the kids look like they had a great time! love the ones of lexi, she is such a doll!
thanks for sharing!
That looks so fun!
Petting Zoo.. In Chico!!? That sounds fun!! Lexie can have the cat, but I want the baby goat!!! SO cute...Thanks for sharing a fun day with us all ;0)
Big Hugs!
So fun! Loved the baby goat and Ellie saying "I want to go play now!" the whole time! haha
That's was a lot of fun!!Thanks for inviting us:)
hey, where is that? That sounds like a perfect way to spend a day!
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