Madilynn is 3 weeks old now, and we've had a ton of help so far. My mom was here for a week, Michelle was here one day and took Lexie on a sleepover, Becky took Lexie for several nights and brought us dinner, Holly sent us dinner, Angie was here for 5 days and we had several dinners brought in from our church.......AND NOW THE HELP IS ALL GONE!!! Oh my goodness, I'm tired now and we've had tons of help, how tired am I gonna be now??!?!
Madilynn is doing well, she is going to bed at 10ish and wakes up around 3 to eat and then goes back to bed until 8ish.....for the most part!
Life in the Laufer home is good, we're getting use to our new world and we love it!
She is doing awesome on sleep! Zayne is still on that same schedule...Call me an we can chat at 3am,haha...Looks like it was fun with awesome she could visit and help a sista out:0) hugs!
I can't take it! Madilynn is GORGEOUS! What a sweetie! Her first bath yeah!! She is a good sleeper too! How's her big sister doing? I hope she is enjoying her little sister! Xoxo
Your girls are so darling! And dang, what a good little sleeper you have!:)
She is doing awesome on sleep! Zayne is still on that same schedule...Call me an we can chat at 3am,haha...Looks like it was fun with awesome she could visit and help a sista out:0)
That's a lot of help! Good luck to you for the next 3 weeks!! The first 6 weeks are so hard! You are awesome and your sweet family is beautiful!!
I can't take it! Madilynn is GORGEOUS! What a sweetie! Her first bath yeah!! She is a good sleeper too! How's her big sister doing? I hope she is enjoying her little sister! Xoxo
How do you feel? I could barely walk around after 3 weeks of a c-section. She really is gorgeous and you look great too!
AWE so cute!
Adorable photos!! Both of your daughters are beautiful! Glad that Madilynn is doing well, and it sounds like she is sleeping great at night!
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