Madilyyn has been climbing lately, alot. My closet has a step that goes into it and she loves going up and down that one step. It's been so cute and a little exciting that she is getting closer to sitting. She can sit while I'm behind her (in case of any sudden tip overs) but today I saw this......
She's climbing on her little chair.....
I left for no more than 2 minutes and came back to see this.........
she got up to a sitting position all by herself, of course she doesn't know how to get back down to a laying position (luckily I was there to catch her cause she just tipped over). So proud of our little lady!! Nice work (and it was work, she was sweating when she was done!)
6 months ago
I love those fun moments when our kiddos surprise us. She's so cute!
Oh my goodness! Go girl! That is a lot of WORK!! ;)
Big girl! That is a lot of hard work! Way to go Maddie!
Okay...lately I've had the hardest time leaving a comment on your blog and I'm not sure why....either I just posted three times or not at all. ????
Look at Maddy!!!! She is adorable! Xoxo
What a cutie!!
She's so cute! Look at all that hair!
Oh how exciting!! What a great accomplishment. I bet she loves that she is able to sit up!! She really is adorable!
So stinkin Awesome!!! Yeaaa Maddie!! We love her so ;0)
Aww she is so cute! Way to go:)
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