Pin the nose on elmo......
Lexie having more candy......Ruby helping her out, Ruby is older and such a mother hen......LOVE HER!
Elmo Pinata.....
R.I.P'll be missed!
The cake.........she starts blowing out the candles before I can light the them. The biggest problem with that is she has peanut M&M's in her mouth and she is spraying nuts and chocolate everywhere!
We gave her a drink to rinse out her mouth.....
But before we could sing she put more M&M's in her mouth.....who was watching this kid??
I was trying to blow them out before the whole cake had chocolate and nut spit all over it but I was laughing too hard.
Kick'n back enjoying the fun.
Lots of wonderful gifts!!
The last guest leaving....thanks for coming!
Who doesn't like playing with balloons.
Looks like a super fun time for Lexie!!! Happy 2nd!
Big Hugs!
Such a fun party. Thanks for the invite!
Such a fun party! Thanks for the invite!
What a super cute party! LOVE your hair btw!
I love all the pictures, good job! We all had a great time... thanks!
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